Our chemical peel Treatments are generally For Those Who Currently Have A Regular Skin Care Routine In Place, Along With The Regular Use Of Skin Care Acids Such As AHAs, BHAs & PHAs.
Are Chemical peels are mixed to client needs and requirements and are designed to achieve maximum results and leave our clients with glowing skins
Our chemical peels are designed to gently resurface the skin by removing dead skin, stimulating new collagen and cell production. Helping reduce fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, pigmentation, and uneven skin tone.
Each peel ingredient is designed for different skin conditions and problems. The acids used in our chemical peels include but are not limited to; lactic acid, salicylic acid, Kojic, and Glycolic Acids.
This Treatment Is For Those Who Currently Have A Regular Functioning Skin Care Routine In Place, Along With The Regular Use Of Skin Care Acids Such As AHAs, BHAs & PHAs.
All peel procedures include a consultation prior to treatment to discuss your suitability to a specific peel or treatment. Once your peel has been completed you will receive a take home recovery skincare pack to use for the following 5-7 days post treatment at no additional charge.
Avoid exposure to the sun as sunburned skin is difficult to treat.Avoid waxing, skin bleaching, tweezing, facial scrubs or the use of hair removal cream on the area to be treated.
Avoid the use of Alpha Hydroxy Acids higher than 10%. Retinol and Retinol A & Retinyl Palmate 1 days before treatment.
Avoid any further cosmetic treatments e.g., Botox or dermal filler for 2 weeks following treatment, or ask your practitioner for advice.
The use of Roaccutane must be stopped 6 months before treatment.Any use of a prescription retinol or drug please gain consent from your GP. Pregnant women are not suitable for this treatment as we use Vitamin A, Salicylic acid & Bromelain.
A Block Of 6 Sessions Are For Those With Skin Issues That Need Targeting Over A Period Of Time To Gain Effective Results.
Chemical peels used at SAS are from the Alumier MD & Toskani Medical Grade Skincare Range.
Glowing skin. That looks Rejuvenated, Refreshed and Regenerated.
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